
How to Obtain a Patent: The inner-workings of the U.S. Patent Office

It’s best to sketch your idea for a product with descriptions on how it works. Then, the inventor, along with two witnesses should sign and date it in front of an official notary.

Following, keep the composite in a safe location while you are applying for the provisional or regular patent, while working on your invention.

A provisional patent application from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office provides a confirmation to the date when the invention was first invented, or when the composite was completed. This way the inventor doesn’t have to necessarily have completed the invention in its entirety as you can see from – how to patent something with InventHelp article.

The inventor needs to file a regular patent application with the USPTO within one year of the provisional application.

An inventor, once ready to fully patent his invention, may have to hire an official patent attorney or agent. Then, the patent attorney or agency,  such as  patent service InventHelp agency, can conduct a search which checks to see that the invention is original, and that it hasn’t already been filed. Once the uniqueness of the new invention is confirmed, the inventor has to fill out a specification (or description), two or more composites and an official claim form.

Once the application is received at the Patent and Trademark Office, an examiner will complete another search of records to be sure that the invention hasn’t already been patented. If there are no problems, the inventor will receive a “notice of allowance”. This means that the inventor will soon receive his/her patent number once certain fees are paid in full.

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