Guide To Chlamydia Testing
Chlamydia usually has no symptoms and most people are not aware that they are infected until it is too late. At that stage, they need treatment that is more rigorous. More than 80 percent of women infected with this sexually transmitted disease do not have chlamydia-related symptoms and about 90 percent of men do not know it either.
If you are infected with chlamydia, some symptoms may appear after two and a half weeks after contracting the infection.
Women may experience abdominal pain, bleeding between periods of menstruation, low fever, vaginal discharge, swelling inside the vagina and other symptoms that are not easy to treat.
Men experience discharge from the penis, swollen testicles, swelling around the anus, a burning sensation when urinating and the infection can cause the anus to be itchy.
The symptoms of chlamydia usually appear in the morning, especially for men and that is why it is so difficult to detect if you have been infected with the STD or not. For this reason, it may not be detected until it is too late.
As such, the disease may be left untreated for a long period of time, which may cause many complications, such as epididymitis. This can lead to infertility or even reactive arthritis. With STD test, it is easier to verify if you have chlamydia or not.