
Steps to Patent Your Invention

Many people come up with great new ideas, but few know how to go through the patent application process and get their invention to the market. There are quite a few steps to patent your invention, and it can be complicated. It would be wise to hire professional help for your invention. But if you decide to embark on the process alone, there are definite things you need to do.

First you need to determine if you can patent your idea. You need to look in stores or catalogs to see if your invention already exists. This may seem like a simple step to patent your invention, but it is necessary. You will either confirm that your invention is patentable to prevent you from taking more unnecessary steps if it isn’t.

Once you know that your invention is not on the market, the next step to patent your invention is to do a patent search. Just a simple search on a patent search database will do. This will rule out the possibility that you are infringing on someone else’s patent.

You can always ask for some help from the professionals like InventHelp.

Then you just have to wait for the USPTO to make a ruling on your patent application. They may ask you for more information, deny the application or approve it. Denials can be revised, edited and submitted again. If it is approved, then you have been successful in your endeavor to patent your invention. These are the most basic steps to patent your invention.

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